Передо мной встала задача добиться размещения виджета QWebView поверх работающего Phonon::VideoWidget, таким образом, чтобы background был прозрачен и выводимый на QWebView текст отображался непосредственно поверх видеоряда.
Ниже я расскажу, почему это проблематично сделать, и какой workaround я нашел.
12 May, 2012
09 February, 2012
03 February, 2012
Presentation of MeeGo Harmattan Native Look TimePicker and DatePiker components
Few months ago I'm began to learn MeeGo Qt Components. I noticed many cool native components, which Nokia using in own application, not exists in Qt Components. I very like Nokia TimePicker component (you can see it, when you choose alarm time in clock application). I decided create own TimePicker component with same design and functionality. Yesterday, I finished DatePicker component too.
Components is a free and distributed under BSD Licence.
So, under cut, you find few words about using of this components, and link to repository.

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